The lack of female managers is almost paradoxical in view of a multitude of studies that conclude that companies with a higher proportion of womenin specialist and management positions (mixed teams) are demonstrably more successful.

More and more experts and study authors speak of a negligently wasted potential in view of the low number of women in leadership positions. After all, the arguments in favour of a significantly higher proportion of women in business seem to be clear. If you want to raise your company to a new level, experts say you should focus on more mixed teams and on the female brand.

The average qualification level of women is higher today than ever before. In Germany, women make up more than 50 percent of high school and university graduates and almost 45 percent of doctorates. However, the great potential of female specialists and managers in the economy is largely untapped. Despite gender equality in education, only 30 percent are in middle management and 12 percent in top management. Among the board members in the 200 largest German companies there are only 8 percent. The gender leadership gap is also a major issue in Austria. For example, the number of women as board members in Austria's listed companies has doubled within six years and reached a new high. But this cannot hide the fact that with 8.5 per cent, Austria ranks second to last in Europe. Only Luxembourg is more "male".

Figures from the real estate industry
The situation in the economy as a whole mirrors that in the real estate industry. "Only one in five management positions in the real estate industry is held by women, and only one in ten in top management," says Katrin Williams, chairwoman of the board of "Frauen in der Immobilienwirtschaft e.V." (Women in the Real Estate Industry). The supraregional association of committed professional women from the real estate industry, founded in 2000 and currently with around 1,000 members at 13 central locations in Germany, presented the study "Female Managers in the Real Estate Industry - A Stocktaking" in spring 2022. The study provides comprehensive data on the sub-sectors of the real estate industry in which equality is most advanced and women are more likely to succeed in advancement. For this purpose, the proportion of female managers in middle and upper management levels and in specialist functions of 66,700 real estate companies was evaluated. In addition, the proportion of women in leadership positions in around 220 associations and institutions, in politics and administration, as well as the proportion of female students and graduates in real estate studies were analysed. 


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